• 25 maja 2020
  • Możliwość komentowania XI Tydzień 25-05 do 29-05 została wyłączona

XI Tydzień 25-05 do 29-05

Klasa V:

T: Revision- unit 7.

  • Podręcznik, str. 90, 91.

– utrwalić słownictwo,

– piosenka, gry dla chętnych.

  • Zeszyt ćwiczeń, str. 88, 89:

– ćwicz. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

– ćwicz. 6, 7, 8, 9- dla chętnych.

T: Explorers’ Club- Ice hockey.

  • Podręcznik, str. 92, 93:

– Przepisać słownictwo pod tekstem z tłumaczeniem znaczenia słów.

– Przeczytać tekst.

– ćwicz. 1, str. 93.

  • Projekt- Sports Page – dla chętnych.
  • Zeszyt ćwiczeń, str. 90:

– ćwicz. 1, 2.

– ćwicz. 3- dla chętnych.

  • Zeszyt ćwiczeń, str. 91:

– ćwicz. 1.

– ćwicz. 2- dla chętnych.

  • Przetłumaczyć tekst o Dniu Matki – osoby chętne, myślące o dobrych ocenach:

In Poland, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the 26th of May. Despite some myths, this celebration wasn’t started by communist. In fact, it had begun in 1923 in Kraków.

Often children bring their mothers flowers and special handmade cards, called “laurki”(singuar: laurka). They are decorated with drawings and pictures. Children look for the best wishes for their mother or improvise their own. It is a beautiful tradition.

Mother’s Day isn’t a national public holiday, but children honor their mothers on this day countrywide. In schools and kindergarten children prepare plays and events for their mothers. There are often songs with titles like “Dziękuję Ci Mamo” (Thank you Mother), full of gratitude and love. Adult children living in another part of country often try to visit their home and mothers on this day, sometimes taking a day off for it.

In Great Britain Mothering Sunday, sometimes known as Mother’s Day, is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It is exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday and usually falls in the second half of March or early April.

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